"Plants exist to unconditionally transmute divine light into sacred life."
It is known that to treat some psychological-psychiatric disorders, mental-emotional difficulties and conflicts, medicaments are required. In these cases, the use of scientifically proven medicinal plants and natural medicine, which are effective and produce no severe side effects, is warranted. With adequate guidance and psychotherapeutic support with medicinal plants and natural medicine, a person can improve, develop and heal.
Integrative medicine, also known as holistic medicine, deals with the human being in its totality, as a complete and integral system, not as a set of independent parts. As a result, thoughts, feelings, emotions, mind, brain, soul and spirit are all taken into account.
Our treatment is based on the therapeutic action of a single, whole, medicinal plant or natural substance and/or a combination or formula with others, in which the therapeutic action is synergistic, which means that the total effect of said whole medicinal plant or natural substance alone or in combination is much greater than the sum total of the effects of an individual or combined so-called active components. If we consider medicinal plants or natural substance as a source of containment of isolated chemical compounds, we will be limiting their healing capacity, since they also can act beyond the physical level, enhancing our vital force matter i.e., Prana.
It is well known that many health disorders are associated with unhealthy social, cultural, ethnic, religious or spiritual practices or ecological disturbances and often reflect the individual's estrangement from nature and healthy natural lifestyle. In this sense, medicinal plants and natural substances, such as medicinal mushrooms, can contribute to a great extent to reduce this distance, thanks to the evolutionary link between man and nature.
Medicinal plants and natural medicines used:
- Various types of medicinal leaves, roots, bark and seeds.
- Medicinal Mushrooms, such as Reishi, Lion's Mane, Shitake, Maitake, Turkey Tail, Royal Sun Agaricus, etc.
- Tinctures.
- Infusions.
- Decoction.
- Powders.
- Vegan capsules.
- Others
Contact us
(+51) 926 – 409 – 620
Our schedules
Mon – Fri: 08:00AM – 8:00PM
Sat: 08:00AM – 6:00PM
Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Polanco, CDMX, Mexico
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