"The constant and self-centered mental and emotional attitude towards everything and everyone, indeed, is the very source of endless suffering and pain."
Our overall therapeutic and medical treatment is personalized, focused on the improvement and development of the mental, emotional and physical health of the patient, as well as achieving well-being and quality of life, so that one can live a more balanced and healthier life.
Psychotherapy is comprehensive, since it is not only going to work with the person, but also with their family, social, cultural, ethic, religious or spiritual environment, essential for development and improvement. In addition, in the case of addictions, it is possible that the family has been affected and/or that they have a specific relationship with the person with addiction, therefore, these links must be substantially improved.
It should also be noted that this therapeutic work will allow the person and their environment a new, different perspective, where the patient can improve and heal.
Our Medical and Psychological and Psychiatric Treatment, is carried out by Dr. Andrew Maclean Pagon MD PhD, Senior Consultant Psychiatrist, who has vast experience, various studies and investigations into successful management of different types of addictions, as well as psychological-psychiatric disorders and medical illnesses, with integrated methods, which do not generate any kind of dependency or side effects.
Our psychotherapeutic treatment, focuses on discovering the origin; the person can understand why they were looking for a dependency and abuse, since addiction is born in a mental-emotional conflict, difficulty or trauma(s). Subsequently different integrated methods and techniques begin to be used in relation to restructuring and re-educating thoughts, emotions, feelings and behaviors, as a means to empower and provide the necessary tools for the person so that he or she can have mental-emotional freedom, adequate physical health and better quality of life.
Contact us
(+51) 926 – 409 – 620
Our schedules
Mon – Fri: 08:00AM – 8:00PM
Sat: 08:00AM – 6:00PM
Miraflores, Lima, Peru
Polanco, CDMX, Mexico
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